Family health nursing care services in the community ~ Nursing Guru

Family health nursing care services in the community

Family health nursing care services in the community 

Family health nursing care services in the community are the focal point of health services. Family health services are an important part of the "Health for All" goal. The health of each individual affects the health of other members of the family. 

The community health nurse must have a good knowledge of the family. Family health can be defined as the ability to carry out defined functions in interaction with other social, political, economic and health systems.

Family health nursing care services in community


"Family health services can be defined as having the skills and resources to carry out family development tasks. It is special care given to family members to promote their health, prevent health problems, and for the well-being of the family."


  1. The family is the basic unit of any health system. Without family care services, the goal of health services cannot be achieved.
  2. Family health services act as a problem-solving process in which the family health nurse provides services regardless of the families' socioeconomic status.
  3. Comprehensive health care (preventive, promotional and rehabilitative care) can be provided to the community and family through health care services.
  4. Family planning, nutrition, maternal and child health and geriatric care are the important aspects of family health services.


  1. To Identify and assess the family's health problems.
  2. To ensure understanding and acceptance of the problem by the family.
  3. To provide nursing services according to the health needs of the family.
  4. To help develop the competence of members to care for their family.
  5. To promote the use of available resources to maintain all aspects of the family's health.
  6. To provide health education to lead a healthy and fruitful life.
  7. To provide health services to family members at a cost-effective level.
  8. To help family members achieve their health goals.


  1. Reduce maternal mortality, morbidity and the infant mortality rate.
  2. Spacing of children's births.
  3. Solve the problem of malnutrition in the family.
  4. Health education


The goals of individual and community health and growth at the national health level can be achieved through family health services:

  1. Reproductive health
  2. Children's health
  3. Adolescent health
  4. Mental health
  5. Gender issues
  6. Ageing


  1. Establish a good professional relationship with the family
  2. Knowledge of the basic facts Size, occupation, such as norms of customs, rituals and education
  3. Identification and priority of problems
  4. Need-based services and supports for the family
  5. Discussion of the problem with the family and possible solution
  6. Encourage the family to be self-sufficient to meet their needs
  7. Health services must be independent of gender, age, income and religion
  8. Involvement of family members

Individual, family and community as a unit of services 

  1. The family is assumed to be the basic biological, cultural, and epidemiological unit of society. In addition, health resources are used through the family. Therefore, the family is the basic unit of health services.
  2. The health of the person depends on his/her health of the family.
  3. Interdependence and interpersonal relationships create health awareness among family members.
  4. The size, structure, income, education and environment of the family affect the level of health of the family.
  5. In health care needs, the family plays an important role.
  6. The illness of a family member affects the family's total medical care.
  7. The family plays an important role in supporting health care needs.
  8. The individual health problem can be easily addressed and solved through family health care.
  9. Family health services can achieve a successful family life cycle.
  10. The goal of community health nursing can be achieved through the most effective and available channels to mobilize the health needs of society.


It is a systematic, problem-solving, logical, and deliberate process to help the family develop and strengthen their capacities to meet their health needs and solve their health problems. Facilitates standardized nursing procedures to achieve the goals and objectives of family health nursing. It is a logical sequence of data collection for family health care. It consists of five phases:


Involves Observation, Nursing History, Literature Review Consultation, Interview, and Clinical History, Physical and Psychosocial History.


It consists of the family diagnosis.


Involves setting priorities, setting goals and objectives, and formulating a family health nursing care plan.


It consists of the mobilization of resources facilitating the work environment, implementation and documentation.


It involves the summative and formative evaluation of the family health nursing care plan.


  1. Qualities of the family health nurse
  2. Family-centred approach
  3. Holistic approach (wellness)
  4. Do not judge during the approach
  5. Self-awareness
  6. Accept different values ​​and beliefs
  7. Able to work in adverse conditions
  8. Flexible
  9. Sensitive to time and effort
  10. Independent and positive attitude
  11. Skilled
  12. Able to cope with and manage stress
  13. Able to handle the situation

Frequently Asked Question

What is a health care service?

“Health care services” means the provision of medicines, medical or surgical treatment, nursing, hospital service, dental service, optical service, supplementary health services, or any or all of the aforementioned services or any other necessary services of a similar nature, whether or not they are contingent on disease.

What are the four major services in healthcare?

The healthcare system offers four broad types of services: health promotion, disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment, and rehabilitation.

What is the purpose of health services?

Access to high-quality, comprehensive health care services is important to promote and maintain health, prevent and control disease, reduce unnecessary disabilities and premature deaths, and achieve health equity for all.

What are the principles of family health services?

1. Establish a good professional relationship with the family 2. Knowledge of the basic facts Size, occupation, such as norms of customs, rituals and education 3. Identification and priority of problems 4. Need-based services and supports for the family 5. Discussion of the problem with the family and possible solution 6. Encourage the family to be self-sufficient to meet their needs 7. Health services must be independent of gender, age, income and religion 8. Involvement of family members

What is the family in community health nursing?

The basic unit in society, and is made up of all the forces that surround it. They constitute a single home, interact with each other in their respective family roles, and create and maintain a common culture.

Why is family important in community health nursing?

Family and intimate relationships are important in tracking the onset and incidence of disease. For public / community health nurses attempting to prevent, track and record disease processes, relationships within families and with other intimate partners are clearly significant

What is family nursing care?

Family nursing is part of the primary care provided to patients of all ages, from child health to geriatric. This helps foster a strong relationship between the healthcare provider and the patient. Family nursing is not a care centered so much on the patient as on the care of the family unit.

What is a family health service in community health nursing?

"Family health services can be defined as having the skills and resources to carry out family development tasks. It is special care given to family members to promote their health, prevent health problems, and for the well-being of the family."

What are the objectives of family health services?
1. To Identify and assess the family's health problems. 2. To ensure understanding and acceptance of the problem by the family. 3. To provide nursing services according to the health needs of the family. 4. To help develop the competence of members to care for their families. 5. To promote the use of available resources to maintain all aspects of the family's health. 6. To provide health education to lead a healthy and fruitful life. 7. To provide health services to family members at a cost-effective level. 8. To help family members achieve their health goals.
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