Viva Preparation Most Common Questions for Nursing Students ~ Nursing Guru

Viva Preparation Most Common Questions for Nursing Students

Viva Preparation Most Common Questions for Nursing Students

Viva preparation is very easy now with the most common Community Health Nursing Questions. Nursing students (M.Sc. N, B.Sc. N, Post Basic B.Sc. N. or GNM) should try these nursing questions and answers before attending community health nursing practical viva, nursing interview, staff nurse exam, or nursing school exam. It helps both nurses and student nurses. 

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Viva Preparation Most Common Questions for Nursing Students

Table of content 

  1. Viva preparation: most common questions on programmes
  2. Viva preparation: most common questions on History
  3. Viva preparation: most common questions on Discovery
  4. Viva preparation: most common questions on Abbreviations
  5. Viva preparation: most common questions on Waste management/ Disinfection
  6. Viva preparation: most common questions on the causative organism
  7. Viva preparation: most common questions on signs and symptoms
  8. Viva preparation: most common questions on disease transmission
  9. Viva preparation: most common questions on vaccination
  10. Viva preparation: most common questions on test and diagnosis
  11. Viva Preparation: most common questions on treatment
  12. Viva Preparation: most common questions on MCH
  13. Viva preparation: most common questions on the health centre
  14. Viva preparation: most common questions on vitamins
  15. Download the part of it in PDF 

Viva preparation: most common questions on programmes

When Midday meal applied nutritional programme was started in India?

To improve the nutritional level of children Indian govt. started a national programme of nutritional support to primary education (NP-NSPE) on 15th August 1995.

When Minimum Need Programme was launched?

In 1974, MNP was introduced during the fifth five-year plan.

When National Goiter Control Programme (NGCP) was started?

In 1962, it was renamed in 1992 from NGCP to NIDDCP (National Iodine Deficiency Disorder Control Programme).

When 20 point programme was launched?

In 1975, initially launched by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi

Nutritional anaemia prophylaxis programme was started?

In 1970, to prevent nutritional anemia among mothers and children.

National prophylaxis programme against blindness was started?

In 1970, (due to Vitamin A deficiency), to prevent nutritional blindness due to Keratomalacia.

When special nutrition programme was started?

During 1970-71, to provide supplementary feeding to preschooler children (300 calories and 10 gram of protein) and Nursing mothers (500 calories and 25 gram of protein) 6 days in a week.

When Balwadi Nutrition programme was started?

In 1970, for the age group 3 to 6 years in rural area.

When integrated child development services was started?

Viva preparation: most common questions on History

Who introduced the term social medicine?

Jules Gurien, in 1848.

When Indian Red Cross Society was established?

1920 by Henry Dunnant.

When Indian nursing council was constituted?


When Hind Kusht Nivaran Sangh was founded?


When the first five-year plan was started in India?


When National Family Planning program was launched?


When prevention of the food adulteration Act was started?


When National Tuberculosis programme was started?


When India was declared free from smallpox?

April 1977

When WHO has declared the world free from smallpox?

May 1980

When First National Health Policy was formulated?


When was the first case of HIV found in India?

Chennai in 1986

When was the first case of AIDS found in India?

Viva preparation: most common questions on Discovery

Who introduces the Germ theory of disease?

Louis Pasteur.

Who discovered HIV?

Luc Montagnier

Who is the father of medicine?


Who is the Father of immunology?

Adward Jenner, developed first vaccine in 1796 against smallpox

Who is the pioneer of immunization?

The Chinese they practiced variolation to prevent smallpox

Who discovered the Mantoux test?

Van Pirquet and Mantoux in 1907

Viva preparation: most common questions on Abbreviations

What is the full form of HIV?

Human Immunodeficiency Virus

AIDS stands for?

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

What is the Full form of BFHI?

Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative

Hib stands for?

Heamophilus Influenza Type-B

ASHA stand for?

Accredited Social Health Activist

IPHS stand for?

Indian Public Health Standards

NPR Stand for?

National Population Register

AYUSH stand for?

Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy

FRU stands for?

First Referral Unit

PRI stands for?

Panchayati Raj Institutions

What is the full form of USHA?

Urban Social Health Activist

What is the full form of IMNCI?

Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illness

What is the full form of JSY?

Janani Suraksha Yojana

What is the full form of NSSK?

Navjat Shishu Shuraksha Karakram

What is the full form of NRHM?

National Rural Health Mission

What is the full form of NUHM?

National Urban Health Mission

What is the full form of SBA?

Skilled Birth Attendants

What is the full form of TBA?

Trained birth attendant

Viva preparation: most common questions on Waste management/ Disinfection

Explain the color-coded biomedical waste management?

Yellow bags: Infectious waste including Bandages Gauzes or nay other things in contact with body fluids, human body parts, placenta Red bags: Plastic waste such as catheters, injections, syringes, I.V. bottles, tubing’s Blue bags: All types of glass bottles and broken glass articles, outdated and discarded medicines Black bags: Sharps and all metal articles Needles without syringes, blades,

Which one is the most common method used in hospitals for disinfection?


Which powder is used for disinfection of the well?

Bleaching powder

Which is the most common method of household purification of water?

Boiling, its remove temporary hardness of water

How much chlorine is used to disinfect water?

1 tablet of 0.5 gm chlorine is used to disinfection of 20 liter water

Viva preparation: most common questions on the causative organism

Name the causative organism for chickenpox?

Vericella zoster virus (VZV) (Member of Human Herpesvirus)

Name the causative organism for smallpox

Veriola virus (Member of Genus orthopoxvirus)

Name causative organism for amoebic dysentery producing severe infection?

Protozoan Parasite Entamoeba Histolytica

Which bacteria cause tetanus?

Clostridium tetanie bacteria

Cholera is a bacterial disease caused by

Vibrio cholarae

The causative organism for measles is?

Rubeola Virus (Paramyxovirus family)

Whooping cough is caused by?

Bordetella pertusis known as pertusis

Diphtheria is a disease caused by

Corynebactrerium diphtheria

Name the causative organism for dengue fever?

Aedes aegypti mosquito

Name the causative organism for tuberculosis?

Micobectirium Tuberculosis

Which virus causes AIDS disease?

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV virus)

Trench fever is caused by?

Bacterium Bartonella (Rickettsia Bartonella) also called as 'five days fever' or quintan fever

Leprosy disease caused by?

Mycobacterium Leprae bacteria and also know as Hanson's disease

The causative organism for plague is

Yerisinia pestis

Tetanus is a bacterial disease caused by?

Chlostritham tetanae

Kwasiorkar and marasmus are?

Nutritional deficiency disorders

Viva preparation: most common questions on sign and symptoms

Characteristics symptoms of mumps

Enlargement and tenderness of parotid gland

In which disease rashes first appears on the face?

Measles and rubella

In which disease rashes first appears on the trunk?

Chicken pox

What is the typical characteristic of cholera followed by acidosis and anuria

Rice water stool

What are the features of a case with polio?

Flaccid paralysis, fever, sore throat

What is the characteristic feature of cholera?

Profuse watery diarrhea followed by vomiting

What is a characteristic feature of rabies?


Viva preparation: most common questions on disease transmission

What is the route of TB transmission?

Its droplet infection

Can HIV transmit through Physical contacts?

HIV is not transmitted through Physical contacts

Can HIV transmit genetically?

HIV cannot transmitted genetically

Vector for dengue fever transmission

Aedes aegypti mosquito

Which is the most common route of transmission for ascariasis?

Faecal-oral route

Which is the most common route of transmission for amoebic dysentery?

Faecal-oral route

Sleeping sickness is transmitted by

Tsetse fly (Glossina Species)

Route of transmission in hepatitis B?

Sexual, blood and blood products

What is the mode of transmission in hepatitis A?

Feaco-oral route

Route of transmission in diphtheria and whooping cough

It’s a Droplet infection

An infection transmitted through animals to man is called as?

Zoonosis (Zoonotic disease)

Viva preparation: most common questions on vaccination

BCG vaccine is to prevent from?


Route of Salk vaccine

Salk is a killed vaccine given parenterally (IM or Sc)

What is walk-in the room?

It’s made to store vaccine for 3 months and serve 4-5 districts

WHO/UNICEF recommends a schedule of immunization for HIV positive infants?

Normal schedule of immunization

How artificial active immunity is conferred By


In which infection Hib vaccine is used?

Meningococcal and pneurnococcal infections

What is the schedule for the hepatitis B vaccine?

0, 1, and 6 month

What is the cold chain?

Process to storage and transportation of vaccines

Why ILR (ice lined refrigerator) is commonly used?

To store vaccines at PHC

What is Active Immunization?

Powerful and cost effective method for prevention of communicable diseases

Triple vaccine DPT stands for

Diphtheria Pertusis Tetanus

What is the temperature to store the polio vaccine?

Polio vaccine is stored at – 20*C

What is the full form for the trivalent MMR vaccine?

Measles Mumps Rubella

Viva preparation: most common questions on test and diagnosis

WIDAL test is used to diagnose

Typhoid disease to rule out S. Typhae

VDRL test is used to diagnose?

It is a standard flocullation test used for syphilis

Shick test is used in?

Diphtheria ( intra- dermal)

Indication of positive Shick test

Red flushes within 24-36 hours indicate positive Shick test

Indication of negative Shick test?

If no reaction on test site after administering toxins indicate negative reaction

Mantoux test is used for?


Which part or site of the body is used to perform the Mantoux test?

Usually forearm. Mantoux test is done by administering 0.1ml PPD toxins intradermally and observes for reaction

When Mantoux test is called positive?

If diameter of indurations and erythma is exceeding 10 mm

When Mantoux test call doubtfully?

If diameter of indurations and erythma is between 6-9mm

When Mantoux test is called negative?

If diameter of indurations and erythma is less than 5 mm

Histamine and Lepromin test is used for?


Viva Preparation: most common questions on treatment

In which disease MDT treatment is used?

MDT is used in treatment of leprosy

In which disease DOT’s treatment is used

bDOT’s direct observation treatment strategy is treatment regiment used for TB

What are bactericidal drugs used in the treatment of TB?

Rifampicin, Isoniazid and streptomycin

What are the drugs used in the treatment of multibacillary leprosy?

Combination of Rilampcin, Depsone, Clofazimine

What are the drugs used in the treatment of paucibacillary leprosy?

Combination of Rifampcin, Depsone

Viva Preparation: most common questions on MCH

The safe period or rhythm method is also known as

Calendar method

The mortality rate is concerned with?

It is concerned with death rate

The morbidity rate is concerned with?

It is concerned with sickness rate

How many visits should be done during the antenatal period?

Minimum 4 visits

What are the permanent methods of sterilization?

Vasectomy in males and Tubectomy in females

Name the first generation of intrauterine contraceptive devices?

Lippe's loop IUD's

Name the second generation intrauterine contraceptive devices

Copper IUD's

Name the third generation intrauterine contraceptive devices?

Hormonal releasing

When is the appropriate time for IUD insertion?

After 5th day and within 10 days of menstrual cycle

How many days or weeks is taken by normal infant umbilical cord to dries and shrunken up and separates

Within one week i.e.5-8 days by aseptic necrosis

Example of subdermal implant contraceptive?

Norplant contraceptive

What is the life span of sperm?

Life span of sperm as fertilized form is 48-72 hours

Explain the term GOBI

G-Growth chart O-Oral rehydration therapy B-Breast feeding I-Immunization

Viva preparation: most common questions on the health centre

Who is the head of PHC?

Medical officer

How many populations are covered by health centres?

CHC 80, 000-1, 20,000 PHC 30,000 Sub center 3,000- Hilly areas, 5,000 -Plain areas

What is the strength of manpower at PHC?


What is the radius of the area of the silence zone around a hospital?

100 meters radius

Viva preparation: most common questions on vitamins

Other name of Vitamin A?

Retinol because it produce pigments in eye

Benefits of vitamin A

It maintains health teeth, bones, tissues and skin.

Deficiency of vitamin A can cause

Night Blindness, Xerophthalmia

Other name of Vitamin B1


Benefits of vitamin B1

Prevent complication related to nervous system, brain, heart, muscles, stomach etc.

Deficiency of vitamin B1 can cause

Beri beri

Other name of Vitamin B2


Benefits of vitamin B2

Helps in carbohydrate, proteins and fats breakdown, which to produce energy

Deficiency of vitamin B2 can cause

Angular cheillitis (ariboflavinosis) (Creak at corners of mouth) etc.

Other name of Vitamin B3


Benefits of vitamin B3

Lowers LDL Cholesterol, prevent heart disease, boost brain etc.

Deficiency of vitamin B3 can cause


Other name of Vitamin B6


Benefits of vitamin B6

Helps in growth and development of body and brain, convert food in to energy

Deficiency of vitamin B6 can cause

Microcytic anemia, dermatitis with cheilosis

Other name of Vitamin B12


Benefits of vitamin B12

Helps in formation of RBC, Prevent anemia etc.

Deficiency of vitamin B12 can cause

Pernicious anemia

Other name of Vitamin C

Ascorbic acid

Benefits of vitamin C

Protect cells, maintain healthy skin, bones, cartilage, blood vessels etc.

Deficiency of vitamin C can cause


Richest source of vitamin C


Other name of Vitamin D

Sunshine vitamin

Benefits of vitamin D

Regulate absorption of phosphorus, calcium, growth and development of bones, teeth etc.

Deficiency of vitamin D can cause


The richest source of vitamin D


Other name of Vitamin E


Deficiency of vitamin E can cause

Infertility, reproduction failure and liver necrosis

Other name of Vitamin K

Clotting vitamin

Deficiency of vitamin K can cause

Blood coagulation/hemorrhagic conditions

Which are the fat-soluble vitamins?

Fat soluble vitamins are A, D, E, and K

Which are the soluble vitamins?

Water soluble vitamins are B and C

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