Community health nursing education (CHNE) requirements and training ~ Nursing Guru

Community health nursing education (CHNE) requirements and training

Community health nursing education (CHNE) requirements and training  

Community health nursing education is needed due to rapid social and economic growth in the countries of the world has resulted in an increase in the number of elderly people suffering from degenerative and chronic diseases, and new patterns of diseases that face occupational hazards such as economic and financial factors. 

Air pollution, noise and accidents caused by contaminated water and environmental toxins. Societies are struggling with a large number of people throughout their lives, who receive more or less health care because they cannot afford or access services. 

Furthermore, public concerns about the quality, cost, accessibility and fragmentation of healthcare have helped to transform traditional intensive care settings in society. This has led to a change in nursing practice.

Community Health Nurses have always looked after individuals, families and communities in their practice. Recently, there has been an increase in the number of nurses working outside the hospital, mainly in social settings (community health officer) that focus on individuals and families as a client. 

Community health nursing education (CHNE) requirements and training

As healthcare systems and needs change, nursing educators will now have to look at nursing and nursing education from a different perspective. Students should be prepared to meet the needs of the population rather than the institutions. If they are to be prepared for health care in the next century, they must forge new partnerships in society. There can be three parts that negate the development of a framework for community health nursing education:

  1. Part-I Basic concepts under community healthnursing practice
  2. Part-II a framework for community nursing education
  3. Part-III Capacity building of nursing education institutions Promote community health nursing education, especially before the B.Sc. degree program

Part-I Basic concepts under community health nursing practice

Trends in Health care Delivery: Community Advancement

The community's new focus on changing demographics, changing disease patterns, reducing chronic health care costs, increasing chronic illnesses, reforming the healthcare financing system, and promoting health Launches new opportunities for community-based care delivery in organizations. In the context of society, health care represents an alternative way of providing health care. 

Emphasis is placed on access to health and care by addressing the health care needs of the people where they live and work. In addition, local community needs, resources and people's priorities drive community health services. In any country, community health services / family health / disease prevention and health promotion are provided through the available community health service system.

There have been recent advances in community health care. Numerous initiatives help meet patients' healthcare needs. As such, capacity building is essential for non-professional care and service providers. Healthcare professionals, including nurses, play a key role in guiding the work of such non-professional providers. For this reason, nonprofit care providers should be part of the community health care team. Therefore, professional roles and functions, which can be distinguished from non-professionals, should be highlighted and strengthened throughout the educational program.

Community health care demands can be defined through an analysis of four key factors: 

(1) health problems and risks, (2) health-related behaviors and care,(3) the environment as a health hazard, and (4) available and accessible health services and care. In order to assess health care demands, emphasis must be placed on finding and collecting relevant information on these key factors. Community health care demands health-related services and care activities, which can also be categorized into four mutual groups:
(1) Medical care
(2) Health care
(3) Healthy Assistance for activities and 
(4) Welfare and other assistance

(1) Medical care

Medical care is limited to diseases and symptomatic treatment, which includes medical treatment and treatment. As patients are discharged from home during recovery, the need to continue clinical / medical care has increased. Most people who are undergoing treatment by a physician, and who suffer from an unstable acute or chronic illness, need care and services that respond to their medical care demands. 

[Example] demands for clinical care in social health may include: Assigned Medical Treatment and Observation, Management Symbol, Wound care, Tube feeding, etc.

(2) Health care

Health care represents the diverse direct health services and care provided to individuals, families and groups through a community health center or similar facility. 

[Examples] of health care demands include: Daily Basic Medical Care for Common Illnesses , Health assessment and outreach / case finding, Screening and monitoring of both diseases such as TB, HIV, Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever, Influenza and non-communicable diseases such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, heart disease, etc.

(3) Healthy Assistance for activities

Assistance for healthy activity is designed to promote healthy lifestyles and reduce health risks and risks in society. This category of services and care activities focuses on public health and covers a wide range of programs and interventions provided to residents by community partners, including health centers and other facilities. 

Example of assistance for healthy activity can be: Dissemination of health education and health information, Capacity building of informal caregivers people with chronic illnesses, disabilities, and people who are at home or in the family and in the community. Promote health practices including diet and nutrition, physical exercise, self-care, etc.

(4) Welfare and other assistance

Welfare and other assistance is usually provided to those in need, such as the disabled, bedridden and homeless, and the elderly. Community alliances, such as local government, Community organizations, for example community health funds, community funds, and cremation funds. Social Welfare Office and to provide others with equipment, tools, and community and housing arrangements to facilitate daily activities. A social health worker guarantees that such welfare and support is useful for a particular patient. 

Example of Welfare and other contributions may include: Assistance and tools for daily activities of people with disabilities, Compensation for Sleep Carers, Housing Allowance for the Needy (Elderly, Disabled, including people with mental illness).

Key Roles of Social Health Care System

The dynamic environment of social health care reform challenges health professionals and community partners to actively participate in developing a culturally appropriate and comprehensive health care delivery system. In most developing countries, the community health care system represents at least five layers of care that respond to the comprehensive health care demands of their people. The five layers include:
(1) Self-care individually, 
(2) Family Care
(3) care and cooperation between neighbors and groups in the community,
(4) Care and support provided by healthcare providers and therapists, and 
(5) Welfare and support provided by community partners such as local government. Community organizations such as community health funds, community funds and cremation funds. Social Welfare Office; Etc.

By assessing all layers of care, key actors in community health care can be identified. These key actors work to the best of their ability in the community health care team according to their roles and functions. The key actor can be a contributor to students' education.

Community health nursing and practical implications

All health services and care activities respond to the needs of society, health issues and health risks, cultural lifestyles, resources and priorities. In the transition to health care system, where the emphasis is currently on quality of service, community health nursing represents a profession that responds to all kinds of people's demands. 

Thus the roles and responsibilities of community health nurses vary and vary according to the context of the health care delivery system. Community health nursing is a population-based, societal approach aimed at promoting the health of the entire population, and preventing disease, disability and premature death in a population. 

Community Health Nursing for Nurses is a unique opportunity to learn and develop partnership skills with all stakeholders and key actors in their communities. The experience of community health nurses enhances communication and leadership skills and allows creativity in solving community health problems. 

In collaboration with other sectors, community nurses are expected to gain greater professional autonomy to provide ethical and legal nursing care services in various social settings, such as schools, homes and health centers. Although the role and responsibilities of community health nurses are many, the community is far short of their expectations.

The key to the success of the social health care system

(1) Incorporates community capital and resources into society and works collaboratively to address health conditions, risks and problems.
(2) Collaborating with members of other professions and organizations. Partners in community organizations, agencies and groups, such as stakeholders 
(3) Uses knowledge from two areas to promote and protect the health of the community as a whole
(4) The main concern and responsibility is the best use of community health information 
(5) Because community health nursing is based on outcomes, population health outcomes and indicators should be identified by consensus among all stakeholders.
(6) Community health nurses must be equipped with state-of-the-art community health nursing knowledge and expertise, especially in promoting partnerships with people's representatives, members of various professions, organizations and community groups that promote social health. 

Process used in community health nursing practice

Community health nursing interventions are traditionally recognized by service delivery arrangements, such as school, home visit, and immunization clinics. In order for the population to move from a health setting to a health care population, direct and indirect services interventions that improve people's health must be designed and articulated. Three basic functions of public health are proposed as a means of describing the work and functions of public health workers. These include: 
(1) Assessment (regular collection, analysis and exchange of information on health conditions, risks and resources in the community)
(2) Policy development (use of information collected during assessment to develop local and state health policies)
(3) Assurances (access to essential health services in the community)

Four main functions of community health nursing practice are:

(1) Community capital, including community culture, and  identification of resources as key actors in a community health care system
(2) Review of public health conditions, health risks and  issues to identify people's health care demands
 (3) Comprehensive social health design and implementation of interventions, care, services and programs, and
(4) Health policies / agreements were developed at the local community level  to run policies / agreements at the state and national level for collaborative efforts and initiatives.

Characteristics of the assessment process:

(1) A joint action by stakeholders to encourage information sharing and raise awareness of health risks and concerns in society.
(2) Building a community healthcare team consisting of community representatives or members of stakeholder organizations
(3) Conducting diagnostic procedures, among other things, during community health care interventions and programs
(4) Identify the health care needs of the people in the community (individuals, families, groups in the community), which form a strong foundation for other activities.
(5) Gather up-to-date information, represent both people's perspectives / experiences and educational perspectives.

Challenging Health Care Reform

The current trend in nursing education is to place more emphasis on practice in society. Pre-service nursing education has included social health nursing as part of the curriculum for decades. Recently, there has been a renewed interest in how to prepare students for practical training in a community setting. 

Most programs focus on caring for individuals and families in the community, while others focus on the community as a client.  The World Health Organization (WHO) has suggested that basic nursing education for community health practice should be developed by nurses to identify, diagnose, plan, implement and assess vulnerable populations. 

According to the proposed four core functions, most basic nursing education programs have selected medical community content and learning experiences that assess the design and implementation of community health assessments and community health interventions, care, services, and interventions, care, and There are different degrees of service. Most of the recommendations on basic nursing education have appeared less frequently in the other two functions and have not been incorporated into modern nursing practice, although research recommends them.

The Nursing Education Program must be responsible for the country's health care system. The qualification requirements of nurses working in community health care must be developed to meet the country's expectations, although general characteristics must be maintained. The key to meeting the challenges of the new model of social health care is to focus on preparing new graduates of nurses to become empowered generals in social health care interventions, social health Not as a care specialist. 

Therefore, the four basic functions proposed in the context of the health care system should be implemented and these functions should be considered in ways that are particularly applicable in the context of community health care.

Part-2 A framework for community health nursing education

Forms a framework of five essential components. Each component is identified and critically analyzed, as it guides the design and implementation of teaching and learning processes in community health nursing courses. They are as follows:
(1) The basic functions, roles and areas of work of community health nurses in the health care system
(2) Population classification that targets services and its health care demands
(3) Qualifications of nurses working in community health care which are expected outcomes of education
(4) Necessary knowledge and skills for bachelor's degree graduates working in community health nursing.
(5) Co-learning and the learning process: interactive learning through practice.

Basic functions, roles and areas of work of community health nurses in the health care system

 (1) Ensuring and ensuring the health care of the poor identified by the local community.
(2) Management of diseases / illnesses, especially for chronic illnesses
(3) Ensuring that health care and well-being is provided to the elderly in accordance with health care requirements
(4) The basic diseases assigned to this category of health care provider and require medical treatment and observations.
(5) Monitoring and ensuring control of all local diseases, both communicative and non-communicable (lifestyle diseases)
(6) Encouraging community partners to develop community initiatives and programs that promote and promote people's health through healthy behavior, healthy living conditions, healthy workplaces, etc.

Part-3 Build the capacity of nursing education institutions to promote community nursing education

Recommendations for building the capacity of nursing education institutions to promote community nursing education formulate three strategies: Effective and sustained communication between all key stakeholders to encourage research and knowledge development, potential action. , And the development of net networking or nodal institutions to build the direction of core functions through experiences and shared consensus. Community Health Nursing and Community Health Nursing Education Model.

Research and development of knowledge

Social health nursing education is based on research and development. This requires a continuous cycle of knowledge development, both research and work experience, especially to achieve the four tasks of community health nursing.

Creative approaches to capacity building should be initiated, such as: the development of area-based research and care models with pedagogical research and with varying degrees of community representatives and community partners in different exercise settings. Development of the social assessment process as one of the teaching strategies, a method of working collaboratively with students for permanent care and services for the elderly and people with disabilities.


Effective and consistent liaison between all major stakeholders in community health nursing education encourages possible initiatives for community health care that facilitate student learning. Knowledge and evidence about collective health nursing practice and education. 

In addition, educational services, one of the key roles of educational institutions, disseminate health information and healthcare knowledge to society. Public awareness about the health and well-being of the population can then be increased through dissemination of knowledge. Thus, the knowledge gained from interactive learning through key actors and community health care members of students should be organized in a practical way and accessible to the public.

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